Thursday, May 31, 2012

Herbs Herbs and more Herbs


This was my biggest fear when I started cooking. I tweeted many of my Power Chef friends from Andrew Zimmerman to my ultimate Chef Guru the great Mario Batali. Don’t be afraid to reach out to them because they WILL reply to you!!! This has been a serious concern for me more so than anything else because if you don’t match up the right herbs with the appropriate food you could create some seriously inedible dishes. I figured I would share with you some herb ideas that go with foods. I keep a list in my spice and herb drawer to help me match foods with and cross them with other herbs and spices to create what I call “hybrid spices”. Now there is one herb here that you may be looking at kind of weird and that’s ”lovage” So I will give you a little overview of this herb. The leaves can be used in salads, or to make soup, and the roots can be eaten as a vegetable or grated for use in salads. Its flavor and smell is very similar to celery. Maybe some of you might enjoy a list to look quickly at to see what herbs you can use to go with what foods you’re preparing so here you go:

CHICKEN: basil, garlic, oregano, rosemary, tarragon

TURKEY: parsley, sage, thyme

DUCK: chervil , ginger, thyme,

POULTRY: basil, bay, caraway, chervil, chives, cumin, dill, garlic, marjoram, parsley, rosemary, sage, savory, shallots, tarragon, thyme

BEEF & VEAL: basil, bay, chervil, coriander, cumin, dill, garlic, lovage, marjoram, parsley, rosemary, sage, savory, shallot, tarragon, thyme

HAMBURGER: cayenne pepper, oregano, paprika, thyme

STEAK: chives, garlic, rosemary, thyme

LAMB: basil, bay, dill, garlic, mint, marjoram, rosemary, parsley, savory, tarragon, thyme

HAM: cinnamon, ginger, sage

PORK: anise, basil, bay, caraway, coriander, cumin, fennel, garlic, rosemary, sage, tarragon, thyme

basil, chervil, chives, dill, fennel, marjoram, parsley, savory, shallot, sorrel, tarragon, thyme

FRITTATAS: black pepper, rosemary, thyme,

OMELETS: chervil, oregano, parsley,

QUICHES: basil, dill, marjoram,

SOUFFLÉS: basil, cayenne, chives

basil, caraway, chervil, chives, cumin seed, dill, lovage, marjoram, mints, parsley, poppy seeds, sage, savory, sesame seed, shallot, tarragon, thyme

basil, bay, calendula, caraway, chervil, chives, cumin, dill , fennel, lovage, marjoram, mints, parsley, rosemary, sage, savory, sorrel, tarragon, thyme, lemon thyme

ASPARAGUS: parsley, rosemary, thyme,

FRESH BEANS: dill, mint, oregano, rosemary

BROCCOLI: basil, curry powder, oregano, thyme

CARROTS: chervil, mint, sage, savory

CAULIFLOWER: cumin, curry powder, marjoram, savory

EGGPLANT: curry powder, dill, garlic, oregano, rosemary, thyme

MUSHROOMS: black pepper, rosemary, tarragon, thyme

ONION: chives, rosemary, sage, savory

PEAS: basil, mint, tarragon, thyme

POTATOES: dill, garlic, oregano, parsley, rosemary

SPINACH: basil, black pepper, garlic, parsley

TOMATOES: basil, black pepper, chives, garlic, rosemary,

ZUCCHINI: basil, dill, tarragon, thyme

MAYONNAISE : basil , curry powder, parsley, tarragon

HOLLANDAISE: cayenne, paprika

COCKTAIL: celery seeds, chives, parsley

CHEESE: cayenne, curry powder, dry mustard, paprika

BUTTER: basil, chives, oregano, tarragon, thyme

BÉARNAISE: chervil, parsley, tarragon

BARBECUE: cayenne, chili powder, cumin, paprika

TROUT: basil, chives, rosemary, sage, tarragon

SHRIMP: cayenne, garlic, parsley, oregano

SHELLFISH: black pepper, chives, garlic, thyme

SALMON: chervil, dill, parsley

LOBSTER: parsley, tarragon, thyme

CRAB MEAT: chives, marjoram

COD: parsley, tarragon, thyme

Enjoy and let me know what you think!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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