Sunday, July 15, 2012

Still cooking

It has been over week since I placed a recipe on the blog. It's not due to my desire to stop my blog, it is just that work has caused me to divert my focus temporarily. I will still be doing the 50 in 50 and will have another recipe up Monday, so get ready.

The passport will take us through 10 different regions of France and also give us a few recipes that every cook should have in their repertoire. These are the areas we will cover;

Burgundy, there are three recipe from this area, two from the Rhône Alps, one from Normandy and two from Toulouse.

We will hop from geographic locations in no particular order, as you can see when we pull two recipes from Languedoc, four from Provence two from Aveyron, one from Flander, two from Paris and two from Alsace, one we have already completed.

I will also provide you with seven sauce recipes. There are eight mother sauces that YOU MUST BE FAMILURE WITH!! These sauces can and will take a week each just so you truly understand them.

Some recipes will be ones that are from no particular region but are still French in nature, and need to be included in your repertoire, there will be fifteen of those.

For those that are following the blog please keep following, and those that are just viewing, click the link at the bottom and follow and leave comments. Join in and lets have fun in the kitchen. I will have more advice from farmers and sommelier's and awesome local Chefs that understand the passion of cooking and helping others to realize their culinary visions.

I have been offered the opportunity to apprentice under an awesome Chef. I will take it and work free of charge as I feel my payment is learning and benefiting under his tutelage. I encourage you all to seek out those elusive opportunities where you can pick up skills and enhance your outlook in the kitchen. And remember people Culinary Institutes are NOT the only place to acquire cooking skills. Think outside the box and go unconventional.

I will also continually cover spices over every week. I want you to understand the proper usage of spices in your dishes. Your dish does not have to be spicy when spices are utilized properly, unless that is your intent. Spices should accent your dish and add a certain flavor profile that is multi layered and enhances the main focal point of the dish.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad3