Thursday, November 15, 2012

Thank you!

I was asked again to resume my posting on the blog and I shall.

I was talking to a few male friends of mine who have no idea of how to cook! Strange I know right! Well I have decided to embark on a huge undertaking and continue the 50 in 50 AND throw in a section for Men in the Kitchen.
Now I know this will not be easy and will at times seem like a job more than a passionate labor of love LOL but I will preserver and press on.

I will get into a series of things such as;

Using soups as bases for sauces.

The ease of duplicating a meal you have at your favorite restaurant, at home.

The ease of cooking with your significant other and enjoying it!

The intricate balance of pairing wine with your dishes.

And a host of other subjects as well, so welcome back to those that have been her and waiting on me to get back on the horse, and welcome to those that just view the blog.

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